Please view our shipping policy here.

Need to exchange or return a garment from your order? Not a problem! Please visit our returns portal for more information.


Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. It applies each time you visit the Marcella site, surf through its pages or use its services, regardless of whether you purchase any products. The data controller of the information collected through this site is Risetex Inc, with a registered office at 30 N. Maple St., Florence, MA 01060 (U.S.A.): it independently establishes the purposes and methods of data processing, and the implementation of security procedures to guarantee the privacy, integrity, and availability of any collected data.

All comments, queries or requests relating to the use of your personal data by Marcella are welcome and should be addressed to Customer Care аt [email protected].

Marcella recognizes the importance of protecting the personal data of visitors and customers of this website (e.g. identification data) as well as financial information (e.g. credit card number) collected from them. For this reason, Marcella adopts specific policies and security measures to protect your personal data. The following information is provided by Marcella to enable you and all visitors to this website to be fully informed about Marcella Privacy Policy. By visiting and using, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy and in the General Terms and Conditions posted in the applicable section of this site.

Marcella does not collect personal data from anyone under the age of eighteen (18). If you are under 18, Marcella requires that you inform a parent or guardian about this Privacy Policy and the General Terms and Conditions mentioned above, as Marcella requires their consent and acceptance to the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions before an order might be placed with

Communication of Personal Data

Communicating your personal data to Marcella when requested in any of the many instances where personal data is collected through this site may be essential in order to achieve the purposes set down by the communication itself. Failure or refusal to provide accurate information when requested will cause the inability of the online application, and therefore Risetex Inc. shall not be in the position to process your request.

Communicating additional data to Marcella, other than those compulsory, is optional and will not produce any consequence with regard to the main purposes of your personal data collection.

Customer Rights

You are entitled, at any time, to obtain confirmation from Marcella, in a clear and comprehensible form, if the Marcella database contains your personal data. You are also entitled to obtain information from Marcella about the source of your personal data, the purposes and methods of data processing that apply to your personal data, the type of logic applied when electronic instruments are used for data processing; you have also the right to object, in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning yourself.

In addition, you may always be entitled to obtain from Marcella:

  • Updating, correction, and integration of your personal data;
  • Cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or blocking of your personal data is processed in violation of the law.

Should you choose to have your name and personal data removed from Marcella database, you can do send an email to [email protected].

Please note that although your personal information is deleted from our database for commercial purposes, the history of orders placed on our website will remain in our system for security reasons.

Privacy Policy Summary

The principles on which Privacy Policy is based are listed below:

  • To process data exclusively for the mentioned purposes and according to the methods illustrated;
  • To use data for other purposes only where the user has expressed its unequivocal consent to such use;
  • To make data available to third-party companies only for purposes that are strictly necessary to provide the requested service(s); not communicate, assign or transfer data to third parties for purposes exclusively connected to the third party, unless the users have received a prior warning and have granted their consent;
  • To answer all requests for cancellation, variation, and integration of personal data, opposition to data processing for the purpose of sending commercial information and advertising;
  • To ensure that data processing is conducted fairly and legally, protecting user privacy and implementing appropriate measures for security and protection of the privacy, integrity, and availability of the data provided by users.

    How and why we process your Personal Data

    The personal data you provide may be processed by, both manually and using electronic tools, for the following purposes:

    • To proceed with your purchase request, with reference to the fulfillment of your online order and accounting and fiscal activities related thereto;
    • To manage correspondence and service communications with you; to fulfill and deliver your orders;
    • to verify that the data provided for the transaction are complete, valid, correct, and clear of fraudulent markers;
    • To subscript additional specific services, such as the Marcella newsletter, and other similar information bulletins about Marcella activities;
    • To carry out activities connected to marketing, market research, and statistical processing.

    In processing personal data that may, directly or indirectly, identify you, Marcella aims to abide by the principle of strict necessity. For this reason, Marcella set up this site in such a way as to reduce the use of your personal data to the absolute minimum: therefore, your personal data are not processed when the purpose of the specific activity can be achieved by using anonymous data.

    Marcella may use your personal data to send you advertising about its products and services only if you grant your consent.

    The “Marcella Customers” database is under the exclusive ownership of Risetex Inc.; it is available and may be shared only with other companies legally affiliated with Risetex Inc. Risetex Inc. (dba Marcella) does not sell, rent or disclose its customers’ names, addresses, email addresses or other personal information to any entity not legally affiliated with Risetex Inc.,, except for cases in which such communication is mandatory by law or is required for purposes envisaged by the law, for which the person’s consent is not required; in these cases the personal data may be made available to third parties who will process the data autonomously and exclusively for such purposes.

    For maintenance of the website, and to provide the e-commerce services and communication to its Customers, Risetex Inc. uses the services of a third party company. If necessary, the personal data shall be processed by this third party company only in the case in which this is instrumental to the collaboration of the third party with Risetex Inc., and in respect of rigid constraints regarding contractual confidentiality. The data shall also be able to be communicated to consultants assisting Marcella for the management of electronic billing (mainly internet providers, shipping companies), banks and credit control agencies.

    It could happen that Risetex Inc. may find itself processing personal data of third parties, communicated directly to Risetex Inc. by its own users, such as when a user buys a product to be delivered to a different person, or when the person who pays for a product is different from the final recipient of such product. It is, however, your own responsibility to obtain consent from this person before communicating his/her personal data to Risetex Inc. and to inform him/her about this Privacy Policy.


    The Marcella site uses cookies to keep track of your shopping bag and uses cookies to deliver content specific to your interest and to save your password so you don’t have to re-enter it each time you visit our site.

    Security measures

    The Marcella site will only collect personally identifiable information to the extent deemed reasonably necessary to serve you in view of our legitimate business purposes as set out above and we adopt security measures that are sufficient to reduce the risks of destruction or loss of data – even if accidental – to a minimum, to impede unauthorised access, illicit types of processing and processing that is not in accordance with the purposes of data collection, as indicated in this Privacy Policy. However, while Risetex Inc. takes all reasonable steps to protect your personal information, you accept that no Internet data transmission can be guaranteed to be secure from access by unintended recipients and will not hold Risetex Inc. responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence. Risetex Inc. advises you to ensure that your computer is equipped with appropriate software to protect data transmission, both incoming and outgoing (such as up to date antivirus systems).

    Updates of the Privacy Policy

    Risetex Inc. may modify or simply update this Privacy Policy, in part or completely, owing to variations of the laws and regulations that govern this matter and protect your rights. Such variations and updates of this Privacy Policy will be notified to users on the Privacy Policy page as soon as they are introduced and thus Risetex Inc. encourages you to periodically review this page.

    Payment Provider Privacy Policy

    "Use of this site requires personal data processing of a client in the following matter: ... (for example: first name and last name, phone number, e-mail, billing address, etc.). Data will be processed by Risetex Inc. in a way that is crucial to agreeing on a contract, as well as its fulfillment. Transaction data, in that personal data, can be transferred for the benefit of Shopify Payments, Paypal and/or Afterpay, in connection with services or order payments. A client has the right to see the content of his data and any corrections made to it. Sharing of information is voluntary, however, at the same time please note that it is crucial to the use of this site."


    Please view our Terms and Conditions here.